Saturday, October 6, 2012

Ruben Hein & Jan van Duikeren & Bruut - Elephants @ Radio 6 Dutch Soul & Jazz Award, Amsterdam, Netherlands 04/10/2012

Well, it was no coincidence I attended the evening with the Radio 6 Dutch Soul & Jazz Award. Radio 6 is the Dutch "Soul & Jazz" Radiostation (you can listen wherever you are via the website) and yesterday was the first time the station awarded their Awards for best Dutch singer, talent, live act and the likes.

I was in front of the stage, so I had a very good spot to film some of the evening with the Nokia 808 PureView, and from that I'm sharing the song Elephants by Ruben Hein, with some brilliant trumpet solos by Jan van Duikeren. The band is Bruut! - all musicians are from The Netherlands. 
The sound is coming a bit from the back, since I was closer to the stage than the loudspeakers in the venue. But I was maybe 2 meters away from the trumpet player, so you can hear him and his solos very well. Everything was captured using the "scenes" stage setting on the Nokia 808 PureView. I hope you'll enjoy it!
by PureViewClub

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